Allocation of tuition remission credits for the Spring Semester can be entered and final submission is Friday, February 14, 2025. Allocate credits via Firefly/ESS, under Benefits, choose the “Employee & Dependent Scholarship” tile.
As of January 13, employees who elected to receive their W-2 via Firefly were able to access their 2024 W-2 document by logging into Firefly>Employee Self Service and clicking on the W-2 form tile.
Paper W-2 forms have been sent directly to the employee’s permanent addresses listed in SAP/Firefly for distribution to those employees who either elected to receive a paper W2 or did not make an election for their W-2 method in Firefly. Please contact Payroll at 865-8184 if you have questions regarding W-2 documents.
Our Fidelity Investment and TIAA retirement plan representatives are available to virtually meet with you to review any of your retirement fund questions.
Fidelity Investments and TIAA can provide you with the help you need to:
- Manage your retirement savings goals
- Get help evaluating your investment options
- Build a plan that’s easy to put into action
To schedule an appointment with a representative please call or visit their respective appointment links below:
Fidelity Investments: 1-800-642-7131
TIAA: 1-800-732-8353
*Please note: When participants register online for a TIAA appointment, workplace location will show as “All Locations”.
The 33rd Annual Celebrating Excellence Retirement and Service Award Luncheon will be held on Tuesday, April 15, 2025. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. Luncheon starts at 12:30 p.m. with service awards starting at 1:15 p.m. in the Ponderosa Room of the Nebraskan Student Union. Tickets for the luncheon will be available to purchase at a time yet to be determined. Honorees at this event will receive free tickets to the luncheon.
Those employees considering retirement and who would like to be recognized at this year’s luncheon – please contact Human Resources no later than March 25.
Employees and Departments/Groups of Employees can be nominated for different awards. The awards are presented monthly during the Staff Senate meetings.
Please consider nominating a staff member or group who has demonstrated excellence. It’s time to show our colleagues how much we appreciate what they do and why we’re so very proud to be Lopers!!
Staff Recognition Awards